For over two decades, Baseline Communications has been the provider of choice for superior video and production services. From our state-of-the-art facility in beautiful Ottawa, Ontario, we provide premium technical and demographic solutions and our passion for excellence to our diversified clients across the public and private sectors.

Whether your project is a capturing a priceless, one-time event; or producing a thoughtful, planned project, Baseline Communications is the trusted name in high-quality video production for a wide variety of clients who need a video that stands out, delivers the message, and engages the audience.

Whether you’re a small business, independent entrepreneur, nonprofit organization, or large scale corporation, you want to trust your video project to the experienced industry experts at Baseline Communications. When you collaborate with Baseline Communications, you’re partnered with the exceptional leaders in video production and customer satisfaction.


Camera / Editor

John Perkins

President / Senior Producer

James Huber

Jim Huber graduated from Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Radio and Television Production. Jim founded Baseline Communications in 1988 and has been creating videos and strong client relationships in the National Capital Region ever since. Jim is hands-on throughout every aspect of each production and deals directly with clients ensuring complete satisfaction. He not only oversees the quality of each production from conception to final delivery, he is a proficient camera operator, director, producer and writer.

Jim’s winning philosophy is “inform through entertainment” and has created tens of thousands of hours of corporate and broadcast programs with well-established clients such as Canadian Blood Services, the Heart Institute, Environment Canada, the Privy Council Office and numerous others.

Jim is confident he can create unique, technical, visual and demographic solutions to achieve any communication objective.

Writer / Cinematographer

Matt MacDonald

Matthew A. MacDonald is an accomplished writer, producer, director, and cinematographer with over twelve years of industry experience. A natural problem-solver, his motto is “fix it in prep.” Originally from Halifax, Matthew came to Ottawa in 2008 to complete a PhD in Political Science at Carleton University. After finishing that, he promptly re-launched his freelance cinematography career—his first passion—and has been making movies professionally full-time ever since.

Camera / Senior Editor

Dustin Langlois

Translation / Post audio

Claude Naubert

Claude Naubert is an Ottawa native actor, musician, voice talent, creative writer, translator, studio director, TV and radio host. He has also adapted and translated numerous scripts for national commercials, jingles, corporate videos and industrial shows. Some of the clients include Agriculture Canada, the Canadian Museum of Nature, Colleges Ontario, Nissan, Honda, Pfizer, CIBC, HMV, Glaxo-Smith-Kline and Cib a Vision where, as a creative writer and adaptor, he has been involved in numerous product launches for industrial shows, awards ceremonies commercials and jingles.

Claude is no stranger to television as a host for TFO en scène and la Chaîne d’eux on TFO and a interviwer and journalist for Radio Canada’s TéléObjectif. Since 1985, he has acted and hosted in more than 150 corporate and training videos and has been directing training videos for clients such as Bell Canada, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals and Astra Zeneca. He also has been hired as a French editing consultant for TD Bank, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals and Astra Zeneca.

Translation credits include Canada Post, Ottawa Tourism, OC Transpo, Chicken Farmers of Canada, Measurement Canada, Department of National Defence and the new versions of Hinterland’s Who’s Who PSA’s.

Né à Ottawa, Claude Naubert est comédien, chanteur, narrateur, traducteur, directeur de plateau et animateur à la radio et à la télévision. Il a adapté et traduit de nombreux textes pour des publicités nationales, ritournelles publicitaires, vidéos corporatives et spectacles industriels. Parmi ses clients, on retrouve Agriculture Canada, le Musée canadien de la nature, Collèges Ontariom Nissan, Honda, Pfizer, CIBC, HMV, Glaxo-Smith-Kline et Ciba Vision, où ses talents de concepteur-rédacteur et de traducteur ont été mis à contribution pour de nombreux lancements de produits, spectacles industriels, cérémonies de remises de prix et ritournelles publicitaires.

Claude est très actif dans le domaine de la vidéo et de la télévision, ayant animé plusieurs émissions sur TFO et Radio-Canada dont TFO en scène et La chaîne d’eux. Il a participé à plus de 150 vidéos de formations en tant que comédien et animateur et a été directeur de plateau pour Bell Canada, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals et Astra Zeneca, différentes expositons du Musée canadien de la nature. Il a aussi été consultant au montage pour des projets pour la Banque TD, Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals et Astra Zeneca.

Il a réalisé des traductions et adaptations françaises pour le compte de Postes Canada, Tourisme Ottawa, OC Transpo, Les Producteurs de poulet du Canada, Mesures Canada, le ministère de la Défense nationale et notamment les messages d’intérêts publics et les capsules Web de Faune et flore du pays.


What Clients Say:

I received numerous very positive comments following the event. Both you and your staff were most accommodating in meeting our requests. We have always received excellent service from you, and have come to depend on the quality of service you provide.

-Cathy Wood

Executive Director
Ottawa-Carleton Lifeskills Inc.

It was a pleasure working with you and your team. I have nothing but good things to say about Baseline’s professionalism and flexibility in meeting the requirements of our program!

-Jeff Meek

PMP Project Manager
Construction Centre Block Rehabilitation Program
Public Services and Procurement Canada

I was left with no choice but to put all my faith into a company I knew nothing about, for technical expertise. I am pleased to say that Baseline Communications not only met but exceeded my expectations for a private video production house.

-Rod Carleton

Communications Officer
Aboriginal Justice Learning Network Department of Justice Canada

We have worked with Baseline Communications for many years and it is always an excellent experience. We have confidence in their ability to provide professional and high end quality work every time. They are our go-to video production provider not only because of their exceptional service, but because they also take the time to understand our needs and deliver a product we are proud to show our customers.

-Jenn Hall

Project Manager
InfoCraft Inc. Marketing Group

We were extremely pleased with the response, and know that we could not have achieved such success without your contribution, hard work and dedication. A truly professional team, delivering a truly professional product.

-Marg Therrien

Royal Bank of Canada

Your commitment and true sense of caring to the community that you have shown is both inspiring and reassuring.

-Tony Calcutt

Fundraising Coordinator
Canadian Cancer Society

Not only did you meet our expectations, you surpassed them. You met all of our very tight deadlines, the quality of all four productions was remarkable and you and your team were a peaceful and pleasant group of people to work with…

-Marcel Gervais

Archbishop of Ottawa Archdiocese
Archdiocese of Ottawa

We are more than satisfied with the work Baseline has done with us, and look forward to collaborating on future productions. In addition, we would certainly recommend Baseline as a production company to other organizations.

-Louise Ford

Executive Director
Capital Region Centre For The Hearing Impaired

It was a pleasure working with your team of professionals. Despite tight timelines and a challenging shoot location your team delivered seamlessly. In addition, your courteous manner and expertise provided added value…

-Andrea Forget

Senior Communications Advisor
Environmental Protection Services Communications Environment Canada